Monday, January 12, 2015

Politicians request sympathy for Paris and foreign countries suffering through famine, war and crime. Not once have the asked the people to have sympathy for Russia or sent money to Russia to help them rebuild. Not once have they have not requested donations for Russia but they have every place else. If you really want to improve the world don't you include every country? If you really want to help save the world and strengthen humanity shouldn't that include very corner of the globe? People cannot condemn racism, Christianity and not fail to see their wrong doing. They can't tell people to support the pagan temples being built on military bases with tax dollars and not practice their own beliefs. They cannot tell people to keep their mouths shut about Christ and threaten punishment if they worship the father and permit covert armies to harass and murder people who worship Christ if they are fair and just group. People need to open their eyes. A private holocaust is taking place. I am a victim. People are being tortured and silenced secretly and private groups are picking who they want to be a part of the slave empire. Those of us who refuse to give them our work for free and accept abuse get privately tortured and murdered in our homes to try and make us change to serve the dark side. Meanwhile politicians speak out both sides of their mouths and talk about freedom and fairness. They only speak against terror and pretend to be protectors of freedom because they are skillful at deceiving the people and doing the opposite. I can't get protection in a fair society. I can't be free in a free country. When is the truth going to come out? For the sake of this country and mankind somebody better grow some courage and decency. We're heading into the abyss and people seem to be high and possessed like it's the ride of their life. This isn't Disney if you have to fight to survive and children can't play outside and you can't say what you want at a message sight or in public without being murdered. Satan has learned how to deceive the masses and created a mind controlled dumb society based on sin, greed arrogance and crime. You can turn this around only if you follow your heart. Dig for your conscience, embrace God and look for the truth and light in life. Reject the darkness. Sin leads to madness. The abusers are going mad every day and drug crazed. How can they govern your lives? Let God govern your life if you want salvation, happiness and a way out of this nightmare. Why have so many good people been assassinated? When people get too close to the truth they get murdered. That is evil Satan keeps the world filled with negative leaders. Negative leaders spread negativity that leads to unhappiness and crime. The power is to overcome negativity and spread truth in spite of lies. Spread goodness in place of evil and stopped accepting the rubbish you see at message sites and smut corporate is promoting. Stop idolizing stars who corrupt your young and grow a brain and show some decency and accept responsibility to govern yourself and protect your innocents from the smut and crime that is out there controlling the business you pump your dollars in for cheap thrills and excitement. Wake up and see accept responsibility and see the role you play in the world to spread positive energy and goodness in place of evil and lies. We can change the world. You are running out of time. You can sit by and watch and see this world drift into darkness governed by satanic body or use your voice and mind to improve society. It only takes one person to do the work of armies. You won't get the answers and truth from a politician ( I was just interrupted by this number 899 2409 I am harassed by at least three corporate calls a day. The people who torment me put me on a list to receive calls from numbers with 666 and numbers that don't exist. Once fantastic sams said someone came in just to use the phone to harass me. These terrorist networks are everywhere. They have a corporate slave system that somehow uses corporate messaging services and the phone company to control people through invasion. They can monitor your brain frequencies by space or some weird technology and know when you are sleeping and awake. They have caller’s phone make you wake up and even soon as you awaken so they know you know they can monitor your brain that carefully. That is no lie. They know when I am happy, sad, afraid, worried angry. They are using space mind weapons to torture us and experiment on use and control us through satanic cults that practice the occult and do this strictly for Satan. They are building a global prison. I could only know because I'm in it and these weapons are being used on me without any protection or advice from my government People better expose the truth or their lives will be able. The damage is permanent in me I feel like Baryshnikov's character from white nights. I waited for weeks to see the movie in high school to see the professional dancing. I was disappointed the movie made Russia seem bad. The movie made people fear Russia and never want to visit the country. I never imagined I would be hanging on by a thread and fighting to move there. His character in the movie fights to defect to America to escape government control. I am sickened by the propaganda in this country. I have never seen any Russian presidents face on the face of a magazine in the media section of the grocery store. The only news we get in this country about Russia is bad. How can the people governing our world create such a blind society? I think the greatest thing to happen is getting to know Vladimir Putin and the great beauty of Russia through the depression and suffering that is happening in the world now. I think Christ has really spoke to my heart and enlightened me and given me a window of opportunity. Russia is A land that could be close to us if we would opened our hearts and let the truth in. Saint Vladimir Putin has been the most heroic person we have ever known. He has made sacrifices and worked hard to make the world a better place. He has helped to improve the quality of life for the Russian people. The 2014 Olympic was President Putin and Prime Minister Medvedevs way of showing their creative genius and inner desire for world peace. They spent a fortune and reached out their hearts to humanity to unite a war torn world and ignite people’s hopes and dreams. They did an amazing job.  They didn't deserve to be attacked. We came to know Russia through their dark battle. We should all carry Gods light and ignite the torch in others and strive to make life the sort of place for others we want. Heaven on earth   Satan wishes to stop growth through terrorist armies. People need to listen to their conscience. I don't have that many dreams left. America is now creating slaves. England wants slaves. Putin said slavery didn't work in the past and the western world and Europe shouldn't return to slavery. He said they should learn from the past. Russia learned from it's hardship of the past and wants to teach the world. If you have peace in your heart build the promise land. I'm prevented here. People need to find the sort of environment that's suits them. The Nazis have such a hold on me they prevent me from traveling and living like an average person. Even though they can pick whoever they choose and control any person in the world they won't let me go to Russia. Watch how hard they will fight to keep me here. Its arrogance control and Satanism They say I'm supposed to be sacrificed to Satan. They say I must use my talent for them

I know who I am and where my dreams are heading. Vladimir Putin is protecting children from predators and citizens from on line predators. He is building a new Russia filled with Christian’s and creating plenty of opportunities for creative thinkers to use their talent for the sake of mankind and to build a better world. If I had been working for him the past few years I feel certain I would have never been controlled by satanic mind invaders and corporate stalkers with Star Trek type weapons who who embrace the dark side. I would have been protected from these occult crimes. My life was stolen from me along with my life's work. They broke in on numerous occasions and cost me a fortune. Even though I went to the FBI and CIA on more than one occasion with solid proof of terrorist threatening, home invasion, hacking, bodily harm and proof of a terrorist conspiracy they did not use the evidence. They did not advise me on what to do. They did not tell me how to protect myself and make the bullies stop or block the advanced weapons being used to kill me or what action to take. Americans in this country have been thrown to the demons. Even President Putin can't get protection from the United Nations or human rights groups that were supposedly created to help protect the people. Those people in high places appointed to protect us aren't doing their job. (Hacker is trying to prevent me from posting this and keeps removing it.) I have endured this nightmare for years and fought the hackers who remove my emails and steal my work and beat me down. Originally I thought government knew nothing about this group and law enforcement should be informed. I battled army after army and hired investigators and paid over $100,000 because I thought i was doing it for the sake of good people to prevent them from being victimized. I thought the innocent children this group told me they lured to the dark side needed protection. I had the same idealistic mind many people do from watching movies. the predators feed us fairy tales to influence us and steal our work. I even took my evidence to the beach. The more evidence I collected the more notorious they became. They tried to kill me one night in my car. God still encouraged me to continue and persevere. It has cost me my life, health  future and freedom. People today still seem as blind as they ever were. I wish to move to Russia now because  the things I once believed in here will never happen. I believed in a dream that this country could be like it once when I was a small child and predators went to jail and bad people were prosecuted. That is before the slavery empire was built and criminals were rewarded and set free. That is before all of this technology and space age mind weapons were created to seize our bodies and make us mind controlled zombies of the satanic crooks. It's impossible to dream here when each day I am terrorized and more mind invasion weapons go up and new corporations are created to enslave the masses by deception, money and soldiers. There is no outlet in this nightmare. I ventured abroad in 2011 to meet Simon Marsden to work on a film project. I saw the strange satanic images in hotels in Paris and the mind weapons being sent there. McDonalds even had movie screens with  rock stars and corporate commercials being played all day to program the masses. They are even putting the movie screens in shopping malls here and on giant billboards in foreign countries to program and enslave people. People are being possessed by the beast and slave masters through technology and they don't even know it. Your free will is being destroyed and your balance and healthy state of mind. They torture me when I pray. Would you believe it? This group is heavily into the anti-Christ. They tell me I have a gift and that's the reason they won't let me go. One person speaks to me all the time through hacking . He considers himself to be the'SAW'character. I believe he is the one saw was based on. He says he loves me and I'll never be free. It's a mind game to him to make me feel hunted, alone and helpless. He threatens me all the time. He uses his armies to carry out his plan and harm me physically. He said I'll come to him. He says he'll seize my soul. He really thinks he possesses me. If anyone in this country gave a damn they would have stopped this predator the first year.They wouldn't have let the physical and mental damage be done and told me to go to my local police. My local police can't handle these terrorist crimes. They don't have the software technology or manpower. The higher ups knew that who told me to trust the police. The whole system is being designed to enslave us. Now dear President Putin is reaching out to the UN and people around the world and trying to protect the people and save Russia and the same demons are attacking him and trying to get his throat for speaking about the evil crimes happening in the world against humanity. If I want to have any dreams or a chance for survival and prosperity he is the one source I can turn too I feel I can work with and trust. They have destroyed every other outlet. They have put too many evil people in powerful positions. All of this is kept quiet. I can't believe they think they can possess me. I can't believe they think they own me through these weapons. Only a devil could be so bold. They are arrogant. I don't care who they are. I only want to work for Vladimir Putin and find my way to the light and fellow Christians. They want me brain dead and my body broken and my dreams destroyed. This mad man thinks he has some kind of power to possess whoever he wants and make them his puppet. I was naive. Vladimir Putin has an empire I want to join. People can't just pick people at random to make slaves. I share the same visons as him I'll pick my owner. I am Vladimir Putin’s Slave: 

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